= Project commands = Most work should be done as part of a registered project. Without selecting a project before (or at) submission of queue jobs, the jobs will end up in a low priority queue. == Enter project == This has to be done before you can work within a project. ==== Usage: `proj [-c] [project-name]` ==== If project name is omitted, change to the default project as set by `selectproject`. The `-c` option makes the command change directory into the project folder. (Saves you a `cd /proj/....` command). == Set default project == This will set the default project used by ```proj```. Setting a default project will save you some typing if you are always switching to the same project. ==== Usage: `selectproj `==== == List your projects == List all projects you are registered with. It will also give your current quota and disk usage for the projects. ==== Usage: `listproj [-q]` ==== If `-q` is given, it will only list projects that are using 90% or more of the allocated disk space.