== Nesoni -- == "Swiss army knife for NGS SNP calling / RNA-Seq DGE / read cleaning. A high-throughput sequencing data analysis toolset, focussing on analysis of short reads aligned to a reference sequence." acceding to the authors. The software and instructions can be found on: http://bioinformatics.net.au/software.nesoni.shtml or by simply typing ```nesoni``` at the prompt once logged in on my-mgrid. The program has a very good adopter clipping and quality trimming function called clip. === Mykopat Grid specifics === Sample usage for clipping an Illumina dataset: ```qsub -l h_rt=4:0:0,h_vmem=1G -cwd -N nesoni -m ae <<< 'nesoni clip --quality 30 --length 35 --trim-start 3 --trim-end 5 --gzip yes s7_trimmed pairs: s_7_1_sequence.txt.gz s_7_2_sequence.txt.gz'```