

Load procedure: `module load bbtools`

The software and instructions can be found on:

BBTools contain several tools that can be used for data manipulation and filtering, including adapter removal and quality trimming.

Mykopat Grid specifics

To run this package, just follow the instructions in the documentation. The option "-Xmx" can be used to set the maximum memory used by the commands.

In the folder /opt/sources/bbtools_38.90/resources/ you can find some files that come with the bbtools installation and might be mentioned in the BBTools guide. For example, the file /opt/sources/bbtools_38.90/resources/adapters.fa is the file with the most used adapter sequences that is mentioned in the guide for the "bbduk" command.

Installed versions


Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on May 18, 2021, 5:11:01 PM